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Best High Schools
Avon wins again


Greater Hartford's Best High Schools


Top 3 High Schools:
1. Avon
2. Simsbury
3. Glastonbury


Top 5 / Bottom 5 Report Cards Chart


School is out for the summer, and so are your teens’ report cards. After a year of hard work, slightly crooked art projects, flubbed quizzes, aced make-up tests and stress-inducing exams, the results are finally in parents’ hands.

It’s a little tougher to assess the grades of your children’s high school – to know how it’s performing overall, and how it compares with other schools in the region. While Connecticut’s Department of Education (DOE) obtains and publishes copious statistics online, it can be a tedious process to find all of those numbers – if you even know where to look.

And who’s got the time or energy to pull the same statistics for 32 other high schools, crunch the numbers, rank the schools in a dozen or more categories, and come up with a list of the best, middle and worst-performing high schools in the region?

Hartford Magazine does.

Using the latest information available from DOE, we set out to assess which offer the best and worst results, ranking all 33 public high schools on a range of factors to determine which get an “A-plus,” which are scraping by, and which get a failing grade.

Each year, the DOE creates detailed “school profiles” containing reams of statistical information on everything from student enrolment figures and hours of instruction to SAT and CAPT scores. This year, we found that the department had substantially revamped its website, adding data tables that provided even fresher information for certain categories. We did the math to determine how your teen’s high school is doing in comparison with others in the region.

High school rankings chart

Obviously, we could not include all of the available statistics into our assessment. Instead, we chose those we felt provided a clear picture of students’ academic achievement, and their commitment to doing well. In a nutshell, we looked at how much effort students put into getting a great education, how hard schools try to help them, and the final results.

The first category of scores, “Academic,” is self-explanatory.

It tallies test scores, extra credits, a school’s graduation rate, and the percentage of students who go on to pursue higher education at a four-year college.

Percentage of graduates continuing to higher education and number of in-schools incidents charts

Factors in the “Commitment” category indicate the students’ commitment to doing well in school, both in terms of striving for a high level of achievement and exhibiting excellent behavior in the classroom. Teacher absenteeism rates are also included, since they are an indicator, although not a definitive one, of staff engagement with the school.

Each school received a rank (from 1 to 33) for each of 14 factors. Those numbers were totaled to give each school an academic score, a commitment score, and an overall score. Since the top rank is a “1,” lower scores are best.

Academic Chart:

CAPT & SAT scores, higher education and extra credits

Commitement Chart:

In school offenses and drop out rates, percentage taking SAT test and required credits to graduate


We hope you’ll find all of this information useful.

If you have comments, e-mail us at


Top 3 High Schools 2011

1. Avon Student population: (2008-09) 1,052
Rank: 1
Overall score: 51
Academic score: 21
Commitment score: 30

Once again this year, Avon High School captured the number one ranking among the 33 non-magnet public high schools in the region. The school took the top spot in both academics and commitment.

In the academic category, Avon had the highest number of students taking extra credits in math and science (94.1), and the highest percentage of students going on to a four-year college (85.1). Its students had the second highest average SAT score, behind Simsbury – and the second highest graduation rate (98.8), behind Granby. Avon also produced the third highest total CAPT score (79.38) in Hartford County, behind Canton and Simsbury.

Avon ranked sixth in terms of the percentage of students who pass AP courses with a score of 3 or higher – and also in the percentage taking more than the required number of credits in arts, language and social studies. Its overall ranking for the academic category was 21 (lower scores are better), compared with 38 for Simsbury, the next closest contender.

In the commitment category, Avon had the second highest percentage of students taking the SAT test – 85.4 – behind Simsbury. It had the third lowest number of in-school offenses in the county, including failure to follow school policy, with 5.2 incidents for each 100 students during the most recent school year. It also had the  third lowest dropout rate (1.2 percent), behind Granby and Glastonbury, and third highest percentage of seniors enrolled in AP courses.

Avon High had the fourth lowest teacher absentee rate. Its worst marks were seventh for the percentage of juniors and seniors enrolled in college-level courses, and eighth for the number of credits required to graduate.

The school also won top honors in HM’s 2010 Best High Schools report, but markedly improved its overall score from 84 last year to 51 this year.

2. Simsbury Student population: (2008-09) 1,562
Rank: 2
Overall score: 104
Academic score: 38
Commitment score: 66

Simsbury High placed second in academics, third in commitment, and second overall. A 40 percent improvement in its academic score since our 2010 Best High Schools report helped catapult it to second place overall from fourth last year.

Simsbury seniors earned the highest average SAT scores, besting their Avon counterparts by a combined 13 points. Grade 10 students from Simsbury also boasted the second highest CAPT score, outperformed only by Canton High. The Class of 2009 had the third highest percentage of students going on to a four-year college, and the sixth highest graduation rate. The school ranked eighth for students earning a three or higher on AP courses and ninth for the percentage of students taking more than the required number of credits.

On the commitment side, Simsbury ranked first for the number of students taking the SAT test. It had the fifth lowest number of in-school incidents (policy breaches and serious offenses) and the sixth lowest dropout rate. It had the eighth highest percentage of students enrolled in college level courses, and the tenth highest percentage of seniors enrolled in AP courses. Simsbury also had the twelfth lowest rate of teacher absenteeism.


3. Glastonbury Student population: (2008-09) 2,066
Rank: 3
Overall score: 106
Academic score: 39
Commitment score: 67

Glastonbury High nabbed third place in the academic category and fourth in commitment, posting an overall score just two points behind Simsbury’s to rank third overall.

In academics, Glastonbury had the second highest graduation rate and the third highest average SAT score in the county. It also ranked third for students taking more than the required number of credits in math and science. It achieved the fourth highest total CAPT score and the fourth highest percentage of students passing AP courses with a score of 3 or higher. It also came fourth for the number of seniors going on to a four-year college.

In the commitment category, the school had the lowest number of in-school incidents (policy breaches and serious offenses) of any school, and the second lowest dropout rate. It took fifth place for the percentage of students enrolled in college level courses, and had the sixth highest number of students taking the SAT test. The school ranked 11th for the percentage of seniors enrolled in AP courses, and 16th for teacher absenteeism, with an average of 7.3 days lost per teacher during the school year. HM

Top 5 / Bottom 5 Report Cards Chart